Day One 2
Ive been using Day One for a long while now, having migrated from MacJournal. This new version actually took a bit to get used to. Theres something about the aesthetics of the original I prefer. However, the ability to have multiple journals, rather than just categorize journals via tags is really nice, and while theyve ditched external syncing options for their own, (a reason Ive held off moving my personal journals to the new app until their key encryption gets implemented), the syncing is MUCH MUCH faster. The accompanying iOS apps also handles syncing better. Its also nice to be able to add more than one photo, and while I dont do it often, the days I want to, it always drove me a little nuts with the old app that I couldnt. Bulleted lists dont indent like it did on the original either. Its a personal preference, but I like my lists indented more too. Which just goes to show you how good the app is, since Im nitpicking indentation of lists.
Solid app, great for everyday writing, and I literally use it, everday.
Updated: July 20, 2016
Still a great app, Im still holding off moving my personal journal from the original Day One as they still havent implemented the End-to-End encryption, but I know theyre hard at work on it. Until then, Day One 2 will continue to house my training journals and other non-sensitive writing.
Quest4Sanity about
Day One, v2.0.9