When deleting images they immediately reappear. Seems to afflict the OS X desktop app more than the iOS app.
Also: when dragging images into Day One they should retain their original file names, but instead they are renamed them with long, random string of numbers and letters. So, if you drag an image out of Day One you no longer have that original file name, which may be more informative than some long random mix of characters.
I think the downsizing of images is unfortunate. Retaining the FULL RESOLUTION of images should be available as an option.
Feels a bit awkward and kludgy in everyday use. The editing UI needs to be more elegant: if I make a word bold then simply make it bold instead of using markup symbols.
Dropbox or iCloud sync MUST be brought back. This is a woeful lapse by the developers.
In conclusion, the photo bug need to be fixed ASAP. I think this software is useful but is losing its way.
ffass about Day One