I loved DayOne’s original version (now “Classic”). DayOne is visually clean and pretty, the ability to use Markdown is great, and the process flow works well. I love that I it will pull in location and weather to my entries too. I was annoyed that I had to pay again to upgrade to version 2, but I sucked it up and now wish I had saved the money. Thanks for adding the ability to put more than one photo in an entry, but it’s pretty much useless if I’m required to use DayOne’s proprietary sync service — which I have no reason to trust and no way to access other than the app. One of the most critical features for a journal is the ability to keep one’s private thoughts private, but DayOne 2 isnt secure enough to do that. Now I’m looking for an alternative app that will sync to DropBox and has encryption, and hope that I can export my DayOne entries in some kind of usable format. It’s not just the price, it’s all the time and work I put into my journal and now have to migrate somewhere else.
musicpixie about Day One