Think of the most basic, fundamental, goes-without-saying aspects of any journal. Isn’t “PRIVATE” at the top of that list? Bloom Built has been telling people, “yep, encryption’s coming soon” for years now. The thing is, though, that back with Day One v. 1 (now “Classic”), you could use iCloud for syncing, which was encrypted. Now, this 2.0 “upgrade" does away with iCloud (and Dropbox) syncing, in favor of Bloom’s own UNencrypted sync service. So all of your most private thoughts and pictures are sitting on Bloom’s servers, not Apple’s. Does anyone out there seriously think that Bloom has the money or the will to stand up to the NSA or anyone else in the federal or state governments? There are things about Apple that I don’t care for, but I do trust Apple’s commitment to my privacy. If you’re thinking about buying Day One before they add encryption (if that ever happens), why not just sign up with one of the blogging services instead, and journal there? Just as private, but free.
Alex Hamilton about Day One