UPDATE: 2.0.4 - I am confused. I have been using Day One for a long time now. I have thousands of entries with pictures/tags/location/… details created with markdown syntax and 0 issues of any kind SYNC works since I use this on iOS as well. I haven’t had a single problem and continue to love this App. Based on my volume of data, frequency of use, and push of cool features; I would suspect that I would have found a problem by now. But I haven’t. Nothing. I say this because I see some odd reviews that do not line up with my experience. DropBox is not well supported but the cloud sync provided by Day One works flawlessly so Drop Box is just not needed. I continue to be extrememly happy. Although this release is a small evolution it shows the Day One team wants to continue to evolve this product.
UPDATE: 2.0.3 - Such a cool list of new power features. Day One 2 continues to rock in all ways possible. Now I can export in JSON formats which is really cool and will allow for export and transformation. I continue to find no fault in this modern and well thought out application. It continues to be used by me daily and I think ALL people should use it as well. It is inexpensive and very productiity driven.
UPDATE: For those of you who have NOT upgraded from the Classic Day One to “2” version, you are seriously missing out. I find myself adding more entries through-out the day due to the thoughful improvements made to the “quick entry” widget in the notifications area. The old one worked nice but the new version is a night-day impovement and acts as a “mini Day One” app. I continue to feel extremely happy with this release and truly understand the need to upgrade. I have had zero issues of any kind, not even petty stuff running on a mid-2010 Macbook Pro.
UPDATE: IF you work with the Photos app and Day One, this new version lets you use the new “side by side” feature in OS X. I love it because I can ealy drag/drop picture into a journal entry. This continues to show the excellent usability of this app. It continues to be my favorite and most consistently used app. It has not let me down and is an excellent evolution in the successful history of this product. Syncing works perfectly. I use Day One’s sync service which has worked without any issues on iOS and OSX. Be sure to look at the keyboard shortcuts. There are many and they are very handy to increase productivity. 0% issues 100% awesome.
UPDATE: I keep finding all this cool stuff. Like now you can pop a new journal entry into a separate window and there are a lot more quick and easy options. An already beautiflul and wondeful update keeps getting more beatutiful and more wonderful.
I installed this the day it was released on both iOS and OSX. The install and migration of entries from the Classic version to this version was easy. An easy to follow wizard walks you through the steps. Be aware that the initial sync may impact the performance of the app initially on older systems (like I have) but that goes away after the sync is complete (5 minutes tops)
I love the new interface. The common things are where you expect them to be but the look and feel has been massively refreshed. Everything is even easier to use. My favorite change is the new widget in the notification area. You can now tag and fully manage entries quickly without having to launch and touch-up details in the fully app.
Sync with iOS works perfectly and I have had no issues of any kinds. For those of you on the fence on upgrading, just do it. This evolution is well worth the upgrade price and the benefits overshadow the cost.
This continues to be my favorite App I use and I am extremely happy for the development team who delivered such a fine and useful product.
uuklanger about Day One