Major privacy and security risk! I really want to like this app. But I have the same problem with it I have had with the classic version for years. Which they initally promised to fix, and never did. But now that problem is worse. I don’t like that my most private thoughts are stored in the cloud. The classic app lets you store that data and sync from DropBox or iCloud. So I felt somewhat better about that because I could contol access to those things. Now this app requires you to store your journal on their servers, and their policy is that they will release your entire journal if compelled. Plus I don’t think of this company as being as prepared for hacks as DropBox or iCloud. So… pretty much risking my most private thoughts being exposed the moment a good hacker gets some time, or when the NSA decides they want to aggregate my journal data. How can they not encrypt your journal?
WCXO about Day One