It saddens me to see such a low average on this absolutely excellent application. I have no problem with using their sync solution, as I’ve also mentioned in my 5-star iOS review. If it was technically necessary and it does the job, I’m all for it.
The app itself is nearly perfect, and I’m so glad I spent the money. Instead of memories completely washing down the drain of time, at least some of them are being captured now. The iOS sync is flawless, the reminders are nice, I heart heart heart Markdown, so I have very few things I’d like to see changed or added.
I can’t talk about the improvements from the previous version, but I do use multiple journals, which I understand wasn’t possible before. But this is the app we have now, and it’s great. If you’re thinking about journaling, and reading this, take the plunge. I agonized over the cost, and now I can’t remember it, but have priceless memories instead.
SilverSideDown about Day One