Day One v2 for OS-X and it’s companion iOS app are significant upgrades and well worth thei cost, especially duing the ½ price introductory offer. The fact is, there were numerous no-charge upgrades over the years since v1 launched and eventually a bottom-up rebuild was necessary. App developers shouldn’t be expected to work years for nothing.
Here’s part of what we are paying for - but also lots of new features:
- capacity to have up to 10 journals [previously only one]
- multiple photos for any day [previously only one]
- improved synching that could only be achieved by taking control of the process [third party synching via third parties was previously flakey leading to lost posts]. Think of it in the same way Apple maintains control of the OS to ensure things “just work”. FWIW, another top-ranked [financial] app I use also went to proprietary synch because relying on third parties just doesnt work over time
- new fonts and a beautiful double-panel interace worthy of its place on a Mac
- more shortcuts that make journalling easier and more pleasant.
Some users have reported issues trasnitioning to v2 but my experience was flawless. The new app installed on my iPhone, iPad and MacBook without issue and my old journal copied-in perfectly. I was then able create and new journal for specific posts and, using the old tags, move the entried to their new home. All of it proceeded problem free.
Day One has long been one a leading app for ease of use and looking excellent while getting the job done. Version 2 builds on that tradition.
exaro about Day One, v2.0